Artisan Consulting Engineers LLC, is staffed by experienced designers, surveyors, engineers, and project managers. Artisan provides services for land development projects associated with site design, grading, sanitary sewer, water main, storm sewer, detention and roadway design along with traffic engineering, surveying and construction observation in the Midwestern and Southern United States. Artisan is experienced with managing teams for various residential, commercial, and municipal projects. We are adept at coordinating with consultants, developers, and government agencies including DOT, DEP, EPA, DNR, and ACOE. This work has included master plans, concept plans, storm water management plans, mass grading plans, bidding and construction documents, quantities, cost estimates, and federal, state, and local agency permits. Artisan staff has worked with private developers and commercial developers. Additional project listings are available upon request.

• Annexation
• Agency Coordination
• Conceptual Design
• Development Agreements
• Entitlements
• Permit Acquisitions